WE SMASHED OUR GOAL! - Crusader Raffle Wrap Up 2021
A great big giant THANK YOU to all our families who helped SMASH OUR GOAL, raising $26,500 for our school!

Surpassing our goal of raising $25,000 is a testament to the strength of our supportive families. 89% of our school families sold at least one book of tickets, which is absolutely amazing. We also had five grades with over 92% participation, including our first and sixth grade classes that had 100% of families in those grades sell at least one book of tickets. The first and sixth grade will earn a reward for having the highest participation level of any grade. And, since the whole school did such a good job, we will have a Pajamas, Pizza, Popcorn, and Pelicula (movie) Day!
We had three winners; $2,500 awarded to the Grand Prize winner, $1,000 awarded for Second Place and $500 for Third Place. Each seller of a winning ticket receives $50.
It was an exciting few weeks of friendly class competition, weekly drawings, class treats, and a well-earned week of tag days. A huge thank you to the top selling families. The Bejo Family sold a record 14 books of tickets! The Leroux Family sold 12 books of tickets and generated an additional $100 donation, and the Yeates Family sold 8 books of tickets! Other top sellers include the Adams Family (7 books), the Mensah Family (6 books), and the Njoku Family (6 books). The children of all six of these families will have a Chick-Fil-A lunch with the Principal after Thanksgiving. For each ticket book sold beyond the first, the seller’s name was entered into a raffle to win two $25 Amazon gift cards.

We would like to express our appreciation to our Fundraising Committee for their energy, enthusiasm, and hard work in coordinating our 3nd Annual Crusader Raffle. These funds will enable us to bolster our STEM, music, art, and sports programs, allowing our students even greater opportunities in these areas. Thank you again for your extraordinary support of our students and our school community. Our families are what make St. Martin's so special!